José SYNE (1954)
Education and training
- Teaching diploma from the Ecole Normale de l'Etat, Arlon, in French and History
- Master's degree in Political and Administrative Science from the ULB (Free University of Brussels - French-speaking section)
- Graduate of the European Institute of Public Relations (Brussels)
- Graduate in Marketing Management from CIFEM - ICHEC-Entreprises (Brussels)
- Additional training programmes in financial forecasting, analysis and interpretation of financial statements, from the Luxembourg Chamber of Trade and Industry
- Languages: trilingual French - English - Dutch
Basic skills
- Rural tourism - Product diagnosis (accomodation, sport activity, attraction, ..) and territory diagnosis (local community, department, natural park, region,..) - Concept analysis and development of a new product or service - Product development - Feasibility analysis (technical, financial and legal)
- Strategic development planning - Competitiveness planning
- Strategic marketing - Operational marketing
- Lobbying European and regional financing
- Good experience of international project management
References - Public sector
- Lecturer at the University of Wolverhampton (UK), 1980-81
- Attaché at the trade department of the Belgium Embassy at The Hague (NL), 1981-1982
- Director of the international association Rurality - Environment - Development (RED), Arlon (B), 1982-1983
- Attaché to the Cabinet of the Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Justice and Minister of Foreign Trade, Brussels (B), 1983-1986
- Adviser to the presidency of the Liberal Party, Brussels (B), 1990-1991
References - Private sector
- External relations manager for Bioplant SA, Vielsalm, an in vitro plant multiplication laboratory, 1987-1989
- Since 1990 he participated as a public affairs consultant in putting together regional and European financing dossiers in the fields of Research & Development, Regional Development and international promotion: Investsud (B), VanZuylen Motors (B), Quantor (F), Adhésions & Associés (F), Action Business Center (GR), Recticel International (B), Ericsson(S), Technology Innovation Information (T.I.I.), an international association supporting innovation and technology transfer (L), the Walloon Region (B), University of Liège (B), European Commission, Public Research Organizations Transfer Offices Network Europe (ProTon Europe).
- Since 1993 he specialised in the tourism sector, drawing up and implementing a number of strategic development plans in Wallonia: Hainaut, Namur, Liège, Luxembourg, municipalities of Bastogne, Vielsalm, Gouvy, Liège, Spa, Stavelot, Malmédy.
- He cooperated in many feasibility studies and product developments: Recreational equipment and accommodation facilities at the Lac de l'Eau d'Heure(B), the new spa centre at Spa (B), touristic enhancement of the Abbey of Stavelot (B), the Abbey of Val Saint Lambert at Seraing (B), the Verviers Museum of Textiles and Fashion (B), the Curtius Museum at Liège (B), the Belleville Tourist Farm (F), the Nouart Teaching Farm (F), the Vouziers Nature Centre (F), the European Equine Centre at Mont-le-Soie (B), Bouillon Castle (B).