The engineering tourist consultant specializing in rural tourism development.
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A. Proposed training courses
B. Timetable
C. Course costs
D. Training cheques

SYNERGY TOURISM organises practical training workshops for both enterprise managers and government officials to develop their expertise in a given area.

These interactive workshops are not purely theoretical, but place special emphasis on pooling of experience and practical case studies. We call on Belgian and foreign players having practical experience in their respective areas. This type of seminar can be organised at your premises and be given over to studying together the problems of your enterprise.
We put on training courses in specific tourist fields:
  • Product development
  • Strategic and operational marketing
  • Tourist information systems
  • Benchmarking and study trips
  • Seminar organisation


A. Proposed training courses

  • City/village Centre: the tourist quality plan for improving and developing your city or village.
    Sensitising public and private tourist players to the importance of quality master-planning and management of a tourist location. How to introduce this in your own city or village.
  • Strategic territorial audit: Sensitising your local authorities to the working methodology and demonstrating the importance of having a clear strategy.
  • Strategic enterprise audit: helping the head of a company or a tourist administration analyse the various components of a company or a public tourist service, and recommending corrective action.
  • Competitiveness: effective ways of making tourism more competitive in your territory
  • Innovation in the tourist sector: a practical analysis of your enterprise or institution to determine possible avenues of innovation. What are the human, technical and financial resources required?
  • The business plan: to win the confidence of your banker or outside investor. What essential information is he expecting you to give him?
  • Product development: approach to the methodology with concrete examples: concept - structuring - marketing - quality
  • Product development : « Relax Accommodation »: practical cases of different types of tourist accommodation: scenic hotels, castle-hotels, guesthouses, camping sites, chalet sites,...
  • Product development :« Visits - Discovery tours »: practical cases of tourist circuits, interpretation centres, museums, theme parks, school and tourist farms, natural parks, forest parks, attraction parks, sites and natural attractions, heritage sites,...
  • Development of « Nature Sports - Adventure » products: practical cases of walking tours, (mountain) bike tours, horse riding tours, fishing, golf, river sports, adventure parks, multi-leisure centres,...
  • Development of « Gastronomy and Regional Fare » products: practical cases of gastronomic restaurants, local cuisine, farm guesthouses, regional products shop.
  • Development of « Health - Wellness » products: practical examples of health farms, beauty farms, detox hotel (balneotherapy, spa treatments, therapies, sophrology, aromatherapy, health care, physiotherapy, sports, gymnastics, relaxation techniques,... ).
  • Development of « Business Tourism » products: Facilities and services required for hosting seminars. Cashing in on regional fairs and exhibitions.
  • Strategic Tourist Marketing and Operational Marketing: Knowing where one wants to go, and selecting the best means of getting there within one's financial constraints.
  • Communication tools for tourist enterprises: which media for which audiences, for which objectives and with which messages?
  • Organising a technical tour in Belgium and abroad to meet examples of good practice and exchange our views with their initiators (public and private)?


C. Course costs

Cost structure of workshops.

1. In-company/institution workshop (reserved for that company/institution's staff)

EUR 2,000 per day + travel and accommodation (where necessary)
This price covers both the training and course notes for 20 participants. Where there are more than 20 participants, the host company or organization will be responsible for copying the additional sets of notes. SYNERGY TOURISM can also supply additional sets at EUR 25 each.
The host organisation provides the training room, an LCD projector-beamer, coffee/tea breaks, water and lunch.

2. Open workshop (organised by SYNERGY TOURISM)

SYNERGY TOURISM organises and promotes the course.
Cost per participant: EUR 300
This includes course notes, lunch, and two coffee/tea breaks and water.
Participants are responsible for their accommodation, where necessary.

3. Open workshop organised by a partner institution

The partner institution organises and promotes the training.
It looks after participant registration and payments. Minimum workshop size: 10 participants.
It takes care of and organises the training room, LCD projection equipment, coffee/tea breaks, water, lunch.
Participants find and pay their own accommodation, where necessary.
SYNERGY TOURISM gives the training course and supplies course notes for 20 participants. Additional notes at EUR 25 per set.
Cost per participant: EUR 300 to EUR 350 (to be defined by the partner institute).
SYNERGY TOURISM receives EUR 200 per participant and travel and lodging expenses (where necessary).


D. Training cheques - Practical arrangements (valid for Wallonia only)

Who can use Training Cheques?

SMEs (up to 50 workers) and self-employed persons (registered with INASTI) with commercial company status (trade register entry) in the Walloon Region (excluding the German-speaking Community) and subject to VAT.

How does the system operate?

Concretely, a self-employed person or SME wishing to use the Training Cheques system should apply to Sodexho Pass for order forms.
Sodexho Pass
Rue du Marché aux Herbes, 105/54
1000 Brussels
Tel.: 02/547 55 86 - Fax: 02/547 55 12
Website: - E-mail:
The company pays EUR 15 per cheque. Sodexho Pass sends out the requested number of Training Cheques (minimum of and in multiples of 10 cheques). Each Training Cheque is worth EUR 30 and is valid for one year after issue date. In other words the Walloon Region and the European Social Fund subsidise each training hour to the tune of EUR 15.
Workers receiving training therefore pay a maximum of one cheque per hour. Training Cheques must be handed in on the training day, and be dated and signed by the trainee. At the end of the training course, the company is invoiced for the training. A company may order 400 cheques per calendar year.

Concrete example:

The training course costs more than the maximum admitted number of cheques.
Let us take as an example an 8-hour training course costing EUR 363 incl. VAT (EUR 300 ex-VAT).
The enterprise can submit a maximum of 8 Training Cheques of EUR 30 each: EUR 240.00
It therefore pays the balance to the training organiser: EUR 123
Price of the training (incl. VAT): EUR 363
Cost to the enterprise:
- EUR 15 x 8 cheques: - EUR 120.00
- VAT at 21% on EUR 225: - EUR 47.25
= EUR 105.00